Friday, June 9, 2023

SYNW Extends Warm Birthday Wishes to Kunle Sogbein and Folu Agoi




The Society of Young Nigerian Writers (SYNW) has felicitated with Mr. Kunle Sogbein and Mr. Folu Agoi on the auspicious occasion of their birthdays. This celebratory message is conveyed by the President of SYNW, Wole Adedoyin, who wishes to express the admiration and respect that the literary community holds for these esteemed individuals.

Mr. Kunle Sogbein, renowned for his illustrious career as the former Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Publishers Association from March 2004 to March 2014, has played a significant role in shaping the publishing landscape of Nigeria. Furthermore, his tenure as the Sales Promotion Manager at Longman Nigeria PLC demonstrated his commitment to the growth and development of the educational sector.

Mr. Folu Agoi, a distinguished poet, academic, literary activist, and publisher, has made remarkable contributions to the Nigerian literary sphere. As the former Chairman of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) Lagos Chapter and the current President of PEN Nigeria, he has displayed exceptional leadership and dedication. His exceptional talent has been recognized through numerous accolades, including the BBC Poetry Competition (2001), Wole Soyinka Award for Literature (2007), and Mother Drum Golden Award for Excellence.

The creative works of Mr. Folu Agoi have captivated readers and inspired aspiring writers. Notable publications include Candid Lyrics (2000), More Candid Lyrics (2001), An Offering of Olive (2004), Service to Fatherland (2013), and his latest masterpiece, I Know the Smell of My Lover's Skin (2016). Through his writings, he has brought forth thought-provoking narratives and evocative poetry that have touched the hearts and minds of many.

SYNW commends the immense contributions of Mr. Kunle Sogbein and Mr. Folu Agoi to the literary landscape of Nigeria. Their tireless efforts in promoting and advancing the cause of literature in the country have left an indelible mark. Their passion, creativity, and dedication continue to inspire young writers and aspiring authors across Nigeria.

On this joyous occasion, SYNW wishes Mr. Kunle Sogbein and Mr. Folu Agoi good health, happiness, and continued success in their future endeavors. May their birthdays be filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments spent with family and friends. As they celebrate another year of life, may they find renewed inspiration to continue making significant contributions to the Nigerian literary community.

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